Roadshows roll into Wiltshire next week to help raise awareness of diabetes and offer residents a free type two risk assessment. The Diabetes UK bus will be at Sainsbury’s in Melksham on Wednesday 8th July between 9am-5pm.
Wiltshire Council and Diabetes UK are working together to deliver the series of roadshows called ‘Know Your Risk’ across the county.
The number of people living with diabetes in Wiltshire has now reached an all-time high of almost 22,000 with an estimated 7,000 still undiagnosed, according to figures released by Diabetes UK.
People are invited to attend the free roadshows where they can find out their risk of getting type two diabetes and get valuable information about how to reduce it.
In addition, people visiting the roadshows can get dietary advice from expert dieticians and health trainers to learn more about the different types of diabetes and a healthy lifestyle. Those with type one and type two diabetes will also find out more about their condition and will be able to get more information on how best to continue to look after their condition.
Wiltshire Council cabinet member for public health and protection Keith Humphries said, “We hope people come to our roadshows and use this opportunity to speak to our expert staff who will be able to provide some really useful advice and guidance.
“Too many people think of type two diabetes as a minor condition but in fact it can quickly become very serious if left untreated. So, if people have any concerns or want more information about this condition then please pop over and pay us a visit.”
Wiltshire Council corporate director Maggie Rae said, “We hope that by providing these diabetes risk assessments in local communities we will find those people that have this serious condition but aren’t aware of it. If we catch them early then there is plenty of help and support available to make a positive difference.”
Claire Gordon, Diabetes UK regional manager in the South West said, “Diabetes is on the rise in Wiltshire. Diabetes UK is working with Wiltshire Council to help the public know their risk.
“There’s nothing scary about our roadshow and no blood tests. Our friendly volunteers, Wiltshire Council health trainers and qualified dieticians will take you through a series of questions and measurements to tell you how likely you are to develop type two diabetes over the next ten years. Finding out your risk doesn’t take long, but could be an important first step on the path to a healthier life.”
Dr Andrew Girdher, Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said, “NHS Wiltshire CCG is fully behind this campaign to ensure that people who take the assessment and are at risk of diabetes can be diagnosed early. Increasing the understanding of this condition can take away the fear, confusion and stigma that surround it.
“Although being diagnosed with diabetes can be devastating for some, properly managed people can go on and enjoy the same lifestyle and activities that they always have. Wiltshire CCG is currently working on a way to further enhance the management of diabetes in the community.”
Early detection of type two diabetes is important, but often people do not have any symptoms. For those that do, they may complain of needing to pass urine all the time, excessive thirst, fatigue and repeated infections. Men are at increased risk of developing type two diabetes if their waist circumference is more than 37 inches and for women if their waist circumference is more than 31.5 inches. But, if managed properly, people with type 2 diabetes can live long, healthy lives.