‘Magna Carta – Game of Barons’ is a new exhibition at Trowbridge Museum which delves into the County Town’s distant past.
Featuring Lord of the Manor Henry de Bohun and his campaign against the tyranny of King John. With Henry’s help, the notoriously ‘Bad King’ was forced to approve the clauses of Magna Carta in 1215, signing away certain royal privileges and opening the way for a freer and fairer form of government.
Exhibition Curator Katherine White said, “There will be something to educate and entertain visitors of all ages in this exhibition, from medieval weaponry made by local craftsmen to a Lego reconstruction of Runnymede, the site where Magna Carta came into being.
“It’s been a thrill being part of Trowbridge’s celebrations for The Great Charter’s 800th anniversary, and there is a lot more to come this year.”
The Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire will open the display on Saturday 28th February at 12.00 midday and there will be medieval refreshments on offer for visitors. The exhibition will run until Saturday 25th July.
Katherine said, “This will be a dynamic display, with bits and pieces being added as time goes on, including textile work by members of the U3A and a medieval house hunt to entertain our younger visitors. We’ve been very lucky to find an exhibition sponsor in The Consortium and are hoping for a bit more help from the Our Heritage fund.
“Some visitors have no idea what happens behind the scenes when an exhibition is mounted, so I’m writing a light-hearted blog charting the display’s progress. People can follow our trials and tribulations at www.trowbridge magnacarta.blogspot.com.”
Exhibition contact: katherine.white@trowbridge.gov.uk