Do you engage your mouth before your brain? Do you jump in with both feet and wish you hadn’t? Are you the sort of person who wishes they could stop and think before they act?
Do not despair as most of this action is caused of lack of confidence. Become an active member of Melksham Speakers Club and you will soon find that you do not lose your temper, you stand back and look at a situation coolly and calmly and you make decisions which are much better for everyone concerned, particularly yourself.
“We work to a manual and each fortnight we select a task to assist us to improve our confidence, our thinking and our general ability to communicate clearly with everyone, regardless of who they are.
“Our members find that they can complain politely and get results, they find that they do not get backed into corners with arguments that lead nowhere, they find that they can discuss differences of opinion in a calm manner without causing offence to their family, friends and work colleagues.”
Melksham Speakers meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Rachel Fowler Centre at 7.30pm. Just turn up and receive a warm welcome and encouragement and support in what you wish to achieve. If you require further information please contact Sheila on 077 2653 7452