CHRISTMAS cheer may be needed this year and everyone is invited to light up their house or garden in a new Melksham Christmas Trail event.
Everyone taking part can contact the organiser, businesswoman, Clare Richter, who will organise an online map, so that people can visit the trail when it gets dark (whilst keeping socially distanced).
Clare said, “I saw a post on a community Facebook page that people liked walking the neighbourhood to see lights that people had put up and I just thought wouldn’t it be great if there was a map of Melksham that told everybody where to see decorated houses?
“I also thought that it would be a great thing to cheer people up – especially after the year we’ve had. Melksham is so good at pulling together as a community and what better way of demonstrating that than to spread some Christmas spirit?
“I’m asking for people to let me know if they want to be included on the map by the 30th November so I can get the map uploaded to my Facebook and Instagram business pages by Friday 4th December.”
The Melksham Christmas Trail will cover Melksham and Bowerhill and will continue to run until the beginning of January, when Christmas decorations are traditionally taken down.
Clare added, “This year, because of Covid, people will need to go to my business page on Facebook or Instagram to access the map.
The Facebook Post is:
Clare has already thought of ideas for next year’s event, which could raise money for charity and which, she hopes will provide a paper map for visitors to follow.