Melksham author Ted Tayler has had his ninth book published on Amazon.
The third title in The Phoenix series ‘Nothing Is Ever Forever’ has several interwoven themes and is full of surprises.
The story starts immediately after the 2012 Olympics, with Olympus agents dealing with criminals in inventive ways. There are plenty of twists and turns and the excitement level never dips. There’s love gained and love lost; lives saved and lives lost. Each turning page brings another shock.
Ted has reintroduced some characters from the earlier novels to allow the series to continue for several more stories yet. ‘In The Lap of the Gods’ will be published in late March and the action moves overseas, bringing a new exciting dimension.
Ted said, “I’ve just installed a new responsive and mail marketing friendly website theme for my readers to join The Phoenix Club. Subscribers will receive a monthly newsletter and be eligible for various ‘goodies’ including free entry into a quarterly draw for a Kindle Fire (worth around £50).
“On Channillo, there are new subscribers every month to the three series I have running there and this is proving to be a worthwhile venture.
“Amazon have agreed to list the first book in the Phoenix series ‘The Olympus Project’ as permanently free in the States and the UK; new readers can now buy the first two books in the series at a really attractive price.
“Six months ago I re-issued my first two novels under the title ‘Conception’ at £0.99 in the UK. This was a compilation that allowed new readers to catch up with the events that moulded the character of Colin Bailey, who became The Phoenix; and do so at a discounted price.
“Last year was one of many changes, new challenges, and constant development for me as a writer; and more importantly as a marketeer. I am lucky to be working with some incredibly talented writers from all corners of the globe; their support and friendship means that I approach 2016 with much more confidence and better equipped than ever before.
“Success is never guaranteed; competition is fierce, but my set-up is now as professional as any best-selling indie author, the books are attracting very favourable reviews and the website is primed for new readers to join in the fun. It’s free to subscribe; you’ll only receive one newsletter per month and you can unsubscribe any time you like. What have you got to lose?”
You can keep up with how Ted’s journey unfolds on his Author Page on and his website at