Wiltshire and Swindon Credit Union (WASCU) has donated a range of books to Melksham’s primary schools.
The books deal with money and finance and have been specially selected to appeal to older children in the primary-age spectrum.
Graham Jones of WASCU said, “We hope they become much read and dog-eared! We are rooted in our local communities and are very keen to help residents understand and use money wisely.
“We are always ready and willing to work with local groups and organisations to encourage money sense in people of all ages- but knowing how to save, budget and borrow responsibly is a life skill best learnt young.”
Credit Unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives offering members both savings accounts and low-cost loans. If you would like to know more about how to join, save, borrow or volunteer with WASCU visit www.wascu.co.uk. If you want to know how to get in touch with WASCU in Melksham there is a short video on YouTube – go to YouTube and search ‘credit union at melksham’