MELKSHAM and District Seniors 55+ Forum will begin its season of Sir Sidney Poitier films on Monday 18th January.
The first film will be ‘To Sir, with Love II’’ shown at 1.45pm at Melksham Assembly Hall. This is the sequel to his 1960s classic ‘To Sir, with Love’.
After 30 years’ teaching in London, Mark Thackeray retires and returns to Chicago. There however, the challenge of reaching students in an inner city school proves too much to resist.
Also the film club will be announcing new dates for showing more recent films, along with a range of activities.
Club chair Brian Warwick said, “For 2016 we are hoping to extend our events and interests.
“The first event will be on Monday 25th January at the United Church, which is opposite Lloyds Bank on the High Street at 1.45pm until 4.00pm when the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust will do a short presentation about the fascinating wildlife in Wiltshire.
“This will be followed by afternoon tea and an open discussion on what regular events and activities local older people would like to have available for them to participate in.
“Many have suggested a monthly programme of various projects that keep the brain ticking. What ever it is you would like to participate in, please do come along and let us know. Remember the Senior Forum is run by seniors for seniors, so it’s your views we need to hear.
“Please do make a special effort to come along to this public event, local organisations who support older people are especially welcome. It only by knowing your views and those of your friends and neighbours are we going to be able to offer a wide range of activities that will help to improve and enhance your own quality of life as we get older.”