Last October, Sackful of Sovereigns’ lead singer, Leonie Macaslin, got more than she bargained for when the cast of “Legally Blonde the Musical” said, “Break a Leg” – and she did!
Band member Colin Harrison explains, “Cast in the lead role of Elle Woods at the Merlin Theatre in Frome, the show had two more nights to run and experienced rider Leonie decided to take her horse out for the afternoon. Unfortunately she fell and suffered a bad break of her left leg, was rushed to Salisbury Hospital and ended up having a five-hour operation at Southampton Hospital to put all the bits back together. Meanwhile the choreographer for the show, Amy Morgan-Bell, stood in for her with only half an hour’s notice and, thanks to Amy, the show was saved and didn’t have to be cancelled.
“All this meant that the band was out of action through November, December and most of January when Leonie was getting back on her feet.
“The band then suffered another set-back when bass player. Mark Peaple. was rushed into hospital with a respiratory infection, which meant the band was laid up for another couple of months.
“Now, after playing a private anniversary gig in April and an appearance at Longleat’s Food and Drink Festival in June, the band has found its feet again and been declared “match fit”.”
Sackful of Sovereigns will be appearing in Melksham again, for the first time since last year’s Party in the Park, at The Kings Arms Hotel on Friday 11th August in the bar from 7.30pm.
For more info on the band visit their website at