AT the close of the Civic Weekend in July, the Mayor, cllr Chris Petty, asked the churches of Melksham to put on more events and the churches have responded positively.
The Civic Weekend included the Bless Melksham Day of Prayer on Saturday 6th July and the Civic Service on Sunday 7th July. The Day of Prayer had concluded with a wonderful time of prayer and praise in the Assembly Hall attended by over 150 people. The next Bless Melksham event will take place on Friday 20th December in the Assembly Hall at 7.00pm and will be a celebration of Christmas. Tony Brown, a member of the steering group stated that the intention was for as many schools, clubs, organisations and societies in the town as possible to take part and make the evening a joyous time for the town and for the real meaning of Christmas to be celebrated.
He hoped that many people would want to be involved. If your school, club, organisation or society want to take part please ring Tony Brown on 07761 320840.