MOTORISTS on Snowberry Lane are being advised to slow down as the community speedwatch team continue to monitor speeding on the busy road.
The team of volunteers who give up their free time to monitor the speed of traffic as it travels along Snowberry Lane are hoping their presence will send out a clear message that anyone caught exceeding the limit will be dealt with.
The team come together twice a week and using a police speed gun, they have been trained to clock the speed motorists are doing. Anyone caught doing over the 30mph speed limit has their details taken before it is passed on to Wiltshire Police.
The community speedwatch scheme was set up on Snowberry Lane after many residents complained of the excessive speed on the stretch of road. Councillor Jon Hubbard helped lead the proposal to introduce the scheme by having the speed of passing traffic monitored on a metrocount which recorded the average speed on the road as 38mph. As a result of that initiative, the team at Snowberry Lane was formed.
Community beat manger of the Melksham Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), Kane Fulbrook-Smith said, “As a NPT we are really pleased the community speedwatch scheme has been set up on Snowberry Lane. The commitment of the volunteers is very commendable and the role they play in dealing with speeding traffic is invaluable.
“It also acts as a warning to motorists that excessive speed will not be tolerated. Any details passed to us by the team will be dealt with by a visit from an officer or a letter. Any persistant offenders will be targeted and we will take positive action.
“If anyone wants to join the scheme or find out more I would encourage them to contact their NPT, town council or approach their area board.”