THE Melksham Fitness and Friendship Club – which is a social club for older people with an emphasis on keeping active and making new friends – has reopened for new members.
The Fitness & Friendship Club, run by Age UK Wiltshire, is open to all older people in the Melksham area who would like the opportunity to take part in gentle chair-based exercise in a safe and fun environment.
Activities offered may include kurling (no ice required!), bowling, skittles, quoits, quizzes and gentle Tai Chi. Refreshments will be available along with lots of time to socialise.
The club is held alternate Thursdays at the Bowerhill Village Hall, between 2pm – 4pm. New members are always welcome. There is a small charge of £5 per session which can be paid on the door.
The next dates are Thursdays 26th August and 9th and 23rd September. For more information contact