THE competition formerly known as ‘Melksham in Bloom’ returns this July, as the Melksham Gardens Competition.
The deadline for entries is Friday 21st June and judging will take place during the week commencing Monday 15th July.
Awards will be presented at the Food and River Festival on Sunday 1st September. This year there are 10 categories as follows: Large Garden – Front; Small Garden – Front ; Large Garden – Back; Small Garden – Back; Patio or Courtyard Garden; Miniature Garden – containers and/or hanging baskets; External Floral Display; Window Display; Community Group ; School. Entry forms are available online via the Melksham Town Council website and social media pages. Paper copies of entry forms are also available from Melksham Town Hall and from Melksham Tourist Information Centre.
For more information on the competition, please email: communitydevelopment@melksham- or call: 01225 704187.