The Melksham Gardeners’ Society held their AGM on March 26th at the Rachel Fowler Centre.
They report, “The Minutes were agreed to be accurate, we had the Chair’s report followed by our Treasurer’s report. The committee then stood down.
“After unanimous re-election of the committee, notice was given that club members now had a 10% discount with Lowden’s Garden Centre; which proved to be a popular inducement! We proceeded with a talk and demonstration on Go Wild in Your Garden by Paul Jupp from during which he discussed how gardeners can help with wildlife biodiversity as all of Britain’s gardens have more land than our National Parks! He showcased the huge range of wildflower mixes his company does from dwarf mixes, colour themed to bat-, bee- and butterfly-friendly mixes. He also discussed about how different councils are taking on the challenge of wildlife-supporting verges, roundabouts and little pockets of unloved areas that can be transformed. Just think what Melksham could look like if we were allowed to do the same – or even just turn little pockets of your garden into such sanctuaries; even a pot can do something. Thank you Paul for such an inspiring talk.
“In February we had a talk from the well-known Christina Stapley BSc on Herbs to Grow for the Kitchen. Ms. Stapley is the author of numerous books relating to herbs and their use, a member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy, a teacher and a veritable fount of knowledge with regards to herbs. She kept the audience glued to her presentation explaining how to use herbs in cooking, easy remedies and how to grow in the garden. We picked up numerous tips and some historical facts as well. This must be one our most popular talks to date as the hall was full. A big thank you to Christina for such a fascinating talk and several members picked up some cuttings as well.
“And a very big Thank You to all the members who have supported the club each month along with all the guest speakers who have come to talk or demonstrate on their areas of expertise during 2018-2019.
“Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 30th April at the Rachel Fowler Centre at 7.30pm with a talk by Susan Applegate on Peonies and Irises. 2019 Membership and door entry costs remain unchanged!! New members and guests are always welcome. Door entry is £1 for members, £2 for guests and £10 for annual membership. For more information please contact Tel: 01225 702716 or Email: