MEMBERS of South West in Bloom Melksham welcomed the South West in Bloom judges to the town last week.
The group is hoping to repeat the ‘golden’ success of last year after they defied the odds to win Gold for the first time, after winning a Silver Gilt award for the three years previously.
Chair of South West in Bloom Melksham, Kathy Iles said, “I’d like to express how grateful I am to so many people in Melksham for helping make it such a beautiful and welcoming place. We were visited by two judges from the RHS South West in Bloom Competition (which feeds into Britain in Bloom) and they were very impressed with our town, so fingers crossed for another Gold award again this year.
“There are so many people I’d like to thank, far too many to mention here and they all know who they are, but I’d especially like to thank the town caretaking team, the WC barrowman, Town Hall staff, The SW in Bloom team, The Town Team volunteers, the flag makers, the Crazy About Knitting Group, all businesses in town who made an extra effort with their shop fronts, Kim Seviour for entertaining us so beautifully on the judging route, the shopkeepers that gave us free drinks while we were cleaning and everybody else that played any part in our effort this year. You are all wonderful people and we could not do this without you.
“We won’t receive our result until October, which is an agonising wait, but we already feel like Gold winners! You should all feel very proud.”