A GUIDER from Melksham has been awarded a badge for 20 years’ service to Guiding.
Clare Hancock began helping out for the Melksham and District Guides in 1993 and has been there ever since. She is a Guider on the Rainbow nights, an evening for girls aged between five and seven – the step before Brownies.
Clare said, “I enjoy it so much, it’s great fun and I want to keep going for many more years. Sometimes the girls can be shy when they arrive but I help them come out of their shell and express themselves a bit more.
“We do arts and crafts, cooking, singing, playing games outdoors and just have fun. Before Guiding I was in the Brownies and Guides and have pretty much been involved in it all my life. Parents also help out and we have people on Duke of Edinburgh who come in for that, so that is also a huge help.”