As 2014 marks 100 years since the start of the First World War, projects and events are being planned all around Melksham to commemorate the occasion and to reflect on the impact it had on Melksham.
Melksham Town Council have formed a working group to coordinate projects and gather ideas for ways to commemorate the Centenary, and are inviting contributions from across the community.
There are two ways that people can get involved. Firstly, local people who have stories, memories, photographs or artefacts from the Great War are invited to bring them together for a collection commemorating and raising awareness of the war. People may have memories of parents or grandparents who were affected by the war, and this would be a great opportunity to share and document them.
Secondly, if there are projects or initiatives that are already planned in the Melksham area, organisers are invited to send the details to the town council who will compile a calendar of Centenary events taking place in Melksham. As the Centenary covers four years, any projects taking place between 2014 and 2018 will be of relevance and can be included in the calendar.
If you are interested in getting involved, or would like to join the Centenary Committee call Miriam on 01225 704187 or email Miriam.zaccarelli@melk