VOLUNTEERS across Melksham have been working hard as the town prepares for this year’s South-West in Bloom competition.
In recent months, teams of enthusiasts have set to work tidying, weeding and improving the town, making sure Melksham looks it best for the South West in Bloom judges, who are expected in mid July.
Avon Cooper Tires are one of the businesses that is showing support to the town’s bid to better last year’s silver award in the competition. It has set up a display of tyres and plants near the town bridge with the aim of making a dramatic entrance to our town while celebrating 100 years as a major Melksham employer.
However, it has not been all positive news for the town’s bid to win South-West in Bloom as it suffered a set-back when the plants set up by Avon were vandalised and stolen recently before being restored by volunteers.
Mayor of Melksham, cllr Terri Welch said, “This town and the council work very hard to beautify our streets. In the past there has been little vandalism with the flowers, the odd plant removed, but generally only thrown aside where it can possibly be replanted. But not this time, it would appear to be deliberate. Can I ask everybody, if you see somebody vandalising our lovely flowers, say something, we want to win South West in Bloom!
“If you would like to join in Melksham’s bid to win the competition then volunteers are needed for the next Tidy Town Day which will be Sunday 22nd June and everyone is invited to go along. Meet at the Town Hall at 1.00pm with strong shoes and outdoor clothes and bring tools if you have them.”
For more details drop into the Town Hall, call 01225 704187 or email miriam.zaccarelli@melkshamtown.co.uk.
Church project
• This year, St Michael’s Church grounds will be entered in South West in Bloom, in its own right in the ‘It’s your neighbourhood’ category. This is for areas with a defined boundary that people are working together to improve. Judging will be in July.
“There have already been two work parties, where church and town worked together but there is much to do,” said Anthea Crossman. “The ground needs to be cleared before any new planting takes place and during the Bless Melksham Week, three work parties will be working – on Monday 30th June and Wednesday 2nd July, both at 6.30pm and Saturday 5th July at 10.00am. If you come on the Saturday, free coffee and cakes are available in the Church Room.
“The idea is for people to come along in old clothes and gardening gloves with maybe some hand tools to tidy our wonderful churchyards.
“In the autumn there is a further chance to be involved as this is when the planting of new shrubs will take place. These shrubs will beautify the grounds and also give future flower arrangers a supply of foliage for the church flowers. A list of the required shrubs will soon be available in the church for you to choose and donate.
“The church grounds are at the centre of historic Melksham; let’s improve them for future generations.