The Seniors’ Monday Club had a afternoon of fun activities and great sing-along and line dancing at the Forest Community Centre at their monthly activity afternoon.
Chair of Melksham Seniors, Brian Warwick, said, “The service provided by Melksham Community Transport and sponsored by Selwood Housing is proving very popular, Melksham TIC will be pleased to arrange your transport on the community bus if you contact them prior to Thursday before the event.”
Brian recently visited Asda in Melksham to receive a cheque for the Seniors Club. He said, “I am most grateful to the Asda store in Melksham for their kind donation of £50 towards the seniors film club.”
The recent joint meeting with the local area board was most successful. Around 70 representatives of seniors, local community and local groups attended the meeting which was held in the afternoon specifically to encourage older people to attend.
Those there were asked to give their views on services available to them and what they would like to see provided in the local area.
Discussions were also held on what people felt the barriers were for them accessing services and taking part in activities. This included issues such as transport and awareness of activities and services available.
Those who attended were also asked to nominate an older people’s champion and a champion for carers – these individuals will represent older people and carers at area board meetings and other meetings with council officers.
The Melksham Seniors Forum will be holding a special session on Monday 21st September to discuss the champion positions and will put forward a nomination for each role to the area board.
A full report will be produced following this meeting with the key outcomes and this will be submitted at the next Melksham Area Board for consideration.”
Melksham Area Board chairman Jonathon Seed said, “I’d like to thank everyone for attending this special meeting and making such worthwhile contributions. We had some really constructive discussions and they have certainly given us some food for thought.
“We want the views of older people in our community to be represented and these types of meetings, and the plans we have going forward, will certainly help with that.”
For any other information re the Seniors contact Brian Warwick via e-mail