SCHOOLCHILDREN, residents, and businesses in Melksham came out in force to support Comic Relief.
The appeal asked people across the UK to do something ‘funny for money’ and Melksham did its bit to help the appeal as they contributed to a national fundraising total of £78million so far, with money continuing to pour in.
In Melksham, pupils at Bowerhill Primary School raised £329 by having a ‘make your face funny for money’ day as children decorated their faces in a variety of colours and styles. Each child taking part made a donation with all proceeds going to Comic Relief.
Queensway Chapel Nursery raised money for the appeal by asking the children and staff to come either dressed in something furry like an animal, wearing their red noses, or to just bring their teddies in with them. They managed to raise £43.18 in total.
Specsavers in Melksham raised £200 by selling comedy glasses and eyebrows, wearing pyjamas to work, as well as making and selling cakes and treats.
Comic Relief runs every two years, alternating with its sister project Sport Relief. The event began in 1985 to help raise cash to combat famine in Ethiopia. Since then, the appeal has raised over £900million to tackle poverty and social injustice across the UK, Africa, and some of the world’s poorest countries.
You can find out more about comic relief at