Melksham & District French Twinning Association was delighted to host 32 of their friends from Avon over the bank holiday weekend.
2015 is the 35th Anniversary of the Melksham / Avon “entente cordiale” and the visit began with a civic reception hosted at the Town Hall by Melksham Town Council.
Melksham Mayor, cllr Terri Welch outlined the exciting new developments and plans that the town can look forward to over the next few years. Especially relevant were the plans for the extension of the canal through the town. Representatives of the Canal Trust were on hand to explain the route and to answer questions.
The chairman of the Melksham association, David Hawkins, presented a framed picture of a local canal scene to Avon town. It was accepted by Deputy Mayor of Avon, Béatrice Rucheton on their behalf.
The French president, Michele Hibon responded by thanking the town of Melksham for 35 years of hospitality and friendship and said how Avon much looked forward to hosting next year.
Children from River Mead School sang two French songs, much to the delight of everyone present. The class (badger) regularly communicates with a similar class in an Avon primary school.
Teacher Helen Simonsen has helped to develop knowledge and understanding of the different languages and cultures, which is an important part of the twinning associations’ ethos and hope for the future.
The canal theme continued through the weekend, with trips to No. 1 The Crescent Bath, then Bradford on Avon to Avoncliff on a canal boat, culminating with a dinner celebrating canal life. Wessex Contraband entertained by providing lively and rousing music and song to bring a very successful visit to an end.
The twinning association said, “As usual the Melksham community pulled together in hosting and providing hospitality and friendship to their French visitors. Many thanks to the town council, all who hosted, The Canal Trust and to Asda and Waitrose for their generous contributions.”
The Melksham & District Twinning Association will hold their AGM on Thursday 28th May. New members are always welcome and details of the organisation can be found by emailing MDFTA.369@ gmail.com