Following the popularity and impact of Tidy Town Days, the first Sunday of every month will now be a day for Tidying up Melksham.
The Bloom in Melksham group are working with the Lions Club, Waitrose, and the Town Council to keep Melksham looking great. Sparkles Window Cleaning will also be getting involved to help clean street signs in the Town Centre and anyone who cares about keeping Melksham beautiful is welcome to join in.
The next three Tidy Town Days will be held between 1.00pm and 3.00pm on Sunday 3rd May, Sunday 7th June and Sunday 5th July. Everyone is welcome for fun afternoons making a difference in Melksham, with the added benefit that all volunteers will earn a Time Credit for each hour spent helping.
When people give one hour of time to particular projects in Melksham they are rewarded with one Time Credit which can be spent at certain establishments for an hour of activity. In Melksham this includes cinema tickets at Melksham Assembly Hall and DVD hire at Melksham Library. So far 38 people are signed up in Melksham and each Tidy Town Day brings more people to the scheme.
To join in with the next Tidy Town Day on Sunday 3rd May, people are invited to show up at the Town Hall in suitable clothes. Tools, gloves and refreshments will be provided and everyone who joins in will earn one Time Credit for each hour given. To join in or find out more call the Town Hall on 01225 704187 or email