MELKSHAM Short Mat Bowls Club are welcoming new players to join the team at their meetings every Wednesday 2 to 4pm at the Melksham Campus.
Marcia Cottle said, “At the moment the club has a mixture of experienced bowlers and completely new to the game players. Once we have a more balanced membership, we will be inviting other clubs to come and play friendly games and likewise we will get invitations to play at other venues.
“There is also the chance to play more competitive bowls by joining a league. We are a very happy group, everyone is made to feel welcome and we are hoping the cafe area will soon be functional, when we can sit down with a cup of tea half way through the session and get to know each other better.
“The staff at the Campus have been so helpful, putting all the equipment out ready for us each Wednesday and again putting it away at the end of the session. We meet every Wednesday 2pm to 4pm, anyone can come along have a chat, watch a game in progress even have a go. We do stipulate that to play, you need to wear flat soled shoes.
“We offer two free goes before you have to decide whether short mat bowls is for you. If you decide to join, we charge £3 per two-hour game and a yearly joining fee of £20.
For more information contact Marcia Cottle via email Marcia.cottle@