Wiltshire Council has released a new video that depicts the emerging proposed route of the A350 Melksham bypass, along with three different variations at the north of the proposed scheme.
Wiltshire Council say, “The video allows viewers to better understand the emerging route and where it sits in the landscape. It also shows the four new roundabout junctions and their locations that the scheme would bring.
“The video includes other features such as the viaduct over the River Avon and its flood zone, a bridge that carries the bypass over the Wilts and Berks Canal, four bridges over the Clackers and Forest Brooks, plus drainage ponds and other measures to reduce flood risks.
“Also featured in the video are environmental mitigations that are anticipated as part of the scheme, such as vegetation planting along sections of the bypass, plus existing public rights of way for walking, cycling and horse-riding that may be adjusted to ensure connectivity.
“The council is currently seeking people’s views on the proposed route as part of the current consultation and engagement exercise, which ends on Sunday 8th August. People can find out more about the proposals and ask questions at an online engagement session, which will be held on Tuesday 13 July at 6pm. People can pre-book attendance for this session on the Wiltshire Council website and also ask questions in advance, to be answered at the event.”
Wiltshire Council’s cabinet member for transport, cllr Dr Mark McClelland, said, “This video is an excellent way to visualise the proposed A350 Melksham bypass route and the different variations to the north of the route.
“I’d urge anyone with any comments on the proposed route and the scheme as a whole to take part in the ongoing engagement process, either by attending the remaining online event, or by completing the online survey – or both.
“The proposed A350 Melksham bypass will help to improve connectivity on this important north-south route through Wiltshire. If approved, the new 9km road would reduce journey times, ease congestion and have a positive impact on air quality in the town.
“There is a wealth of information on our website about the proposed scheme, including detailed FAQs and an options evaluation that explains how we have got to this point and this why Option 10c is the preferred route.
“Please let us know your views before this round of consultation and engagement ends on Sunday 8 August.”
To watch the video, find out more about the scheme, sign up for the remaining engagement event and take the survey, people should go to www.wiltshire.gov.uk/highways-a350-melksham-bypass