A new youth club called ‘No Limits’ is opening at the Canberra Centre in Melksham for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The club, which will be open to any young people with SEND aged between 13 and 25, will run from 6.30pm to 9pm every Monday starting on 27th February.
The club will feature a range of fun activities including cooking, sports, pool, table football and various music and arts.
Young Melksham’s youth work manager Gemma Howell said, “I am really delighted that we are opening this new club. I feel that this complements the other open access clubs that we run really well and now means that we are offering regular organised activities for young people aged from 8 to 25 in the Melksham community.”
More details about the new SEND Youth Club can be found at www.youngmelksham. org.uk/nolimits, where referrals for attending the club can also be found.
Young Melksham is also celebrating Wiltshire Council confirming that it will extend the lease on the Canberra Centre for another two years, ensuring that the work at the centre can continue now until October 2019.
Chair of the trustees of Young Melksham Jon Hubbard commented, “I am so pleased to have had this news. We asked Wiltshire Council to allow us to continue to rent the premises as we felt that we have clearly demonstrated a need for the work that we do, and I am really happy that the council has agreed to let us stay for two more years.
“Having proven the necessity of having a dedicated youth centre in Melksham my team will now focus our efforts on delivering a long-term solution for after our lease expires in 2019.”
Young Melksham regularly works with about 150 different young people each week at the Canberra Centre with the following youth clubs:
• Tuesdays (for years 5 & 6)
• Wednesdays (for years 7 & 8)
• Thursdays (for years 9, 10 & 11)
• Friday (for years 7+)
Jon added, “Over the last few months the Canberra centre has welcomed visitors from Motiv8, the young people’s drug and alcohol service, a visit from a No Worries nurse and also put on the production Chelsea’s Choice – a powerful true story of child sexual exploitation.
“The Tuesday club also had a visit from Tropical Discoveries Workshop where our young people got to hold snakes, spiders and lizards!
“Young Melksham continue to run the TeenTalk free-to-access counselling service for young people. Full details on this service can be found at www.youngmelksham.org.uk/talk.
“Young Melksham are also actively supporting the Melksham Community Vouchers scheme, allowing young people to use community vouchers to access services at the centre, as well as organising volunteering opportunities for people to earn vouchers.”