Ofsted inspectors congratulated the staff on being “a good school” in their inspection of River Mead School at the end of January.
The school reports, “The inspectors rated the overall effectiveness of the school as “Good”. This great report from Ofsted is a fantastic outcome – recognising the high quality education offered at River Mead School – where inspectors found that children are challenged, make good progress and behave well.
“This achievement is particularly outstanding because the previous report graded the school as ‘Requires Improvement’ – and the necessary improvements have certainly been made – the school has transformed, as the inspectors found. “They report that the Early Years learning environment (nursery and reception) offers “safe, purposeful and vibrant areas for children to explore and learn in, where ‘children interact well, form strong relationships and sustain interest” and “are motivated to learn and make strong progress”.
“School leaders, teachers and support staff were delighted to have their efforts recognised in this way, following sustained efforts over a number of years to improve quality and standards.
“Inspectors praised the “high expectations” of the headteacher and identified “dynamic leadership”, the effective training of staff and the strong commitment of teachers to provide a “high quality curriculum” as key factors.
“Inspectors praised teachers throughout the school for their “strong subject knowledge”. They rated the teaching of reading “a strength of the school”. They found pupils to be confident writers who produce “lively and interesting work” and are “confident in solving mathematical problems”.
“Inspectors described the school as “caring and inclusive”. Teachers have a close understanding of children’s individual needs and enable all pupils to make good progress. “Learning and aspiration are at the very heart of the school with equality of opportunity running through its veins”
The school is to be congratulated in their determination to provide the very best possible teaching and learning opportunities for all the pupils without ever losing sight of the caring and supportive ethos that makes the school’s learning environment so rich. In Ofsted’s own words “River Mead is a nurturing haven of aspiration. Pupils feel safe to make mistakes and are eager to learn from them. They demonstrate pride in their learning and show an appetite to learn.”
Head of school, Karen Austin said, “I am immensely proud of the whole school team, pupils, parents and staff; we are proud to be a part of The Mead Academy Trust, and thank them for the continuous support they provide for the whole school family.”
Lyssy Bolton (executive head) says, “The Mead Academy Trust is proud the school now offers very strong practice in many areas and are delighted to be regularly welcoming colleagues to have a look at what we are doing at the school; as recommended by other professionals – we are up to something special at River Mead!”
Please do contact the school if you would like to find out more on 01225 703428 or email office@rivermead.wilts.sch.uk. Find us at www.rivermead.wilts.sch.uk, or on Facebook, search for ‘River Mead School’ or you can even find them on twitter @tweetrivermead.