A RESIDENT who raised £7,675.38 for Wiltshire Mind presented the cheque to the charity on Saturday 11th November at the Pilot.
The money was raised at a fundraising day in September, organised by Melksham woman Tracie Winslow, to celebrate the charity’s 30th birthday. Tracie said that money would allow 21 children to receive a 12-week counselling course from the charity.
“These courses cost the charity £360 each to run, so this money really has made a massive difference,” says Tracie. “Thank you for everyone’s donations, those who bought items from the auctions and raffle tickets and those who came on the day.”
“At the cheque presentation there was live music from The Kickin Sistas and The Roughcut Rebels, and a fabulous night celebrating! From the bottom of my heart, thanks to everyone for supporting me. I never dreamed I could raise this amount and it’s all thanks to your donations. Wiltshire Mind deserved a special birthday and that’s what they got!
“Special thanks to the performers at both the fundraiser in September and the cheque presentation. These wonderful people give their time for free and make the event what it is. The stall holders, food venders and raffle ticket sellers, thank you for supporting myself and the charity.
“Thanks to The Pilot. James, Max and your amazing staff, thanks for letting me have the best venue I could want, with the best people in it. And then there’s my friends and family, the ones who are always there besides me. They give hours and hours of their time to help, before and on the day and I am so very grateful to each and every one of them: Paul Winslow, Karen Lavender, Liz Reid, Karen Kerry, Steve Clarke, Chris Patterson, Christine Southwood, Wayne Davies, Annabel Phillips, Ben Phillips, Sarah-jayne Cook, Becky Lawrence, Linda Hancock and Cat Ponsford, you gave so much of your time selflessly. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Left over from the fundraising day Tracie says she still has a voucher for four people to have a tour of Peter Gabriel Real World Studios in Box. If anyone is interested in this, please contact Tracie on 07958 802794.
Tracie has already booked next year’s fundraising event for Wiltshire Mind, that will take place at The Pilot on Saturday 14th September.