Photo Tips
Some useful photography tips
We always like to include photos wherever possible. Here are some handy tips for taking a good photo;
- Use a digital camera where possible as opposed to a mobile phone or device as the quality is usually better, although the cameras on mobile phones are improving all the time.
- The photograph should be telling a story and clothes and props help tell the story. Eg if the story is about a canoe club, have a couple of canoes in the photograph; if it is about Guides or Scouts, ask the youngsters to be wearing their uniforms. Holding something connected will help tell the story such as a cheque (cheque presentation), certificates, produce on a stall, medals, artwork, etc.
- Look at the background – try to find somewhere that is not too ‘busy’ or distracting (for example multi-patterned wallpaper, mirrors, lots of pictures or mirrors hung on walls, signs such as ‘toilet’!) Make sure there are no trees or lampposts coming out of people’s heads!
- If you are taking a photograph of a group of people, ask everyone to get as close together as possible. Arrange shorter people at the front and taller people at the back. Can you see everybody? If not, they are probably hidden by someone in front of them. Tell them you’re taking a photo for the local newspaper and usually they won’t mind being moved around.
- Ask for people to look at the camera. If other people are taking pictures alongside you, ask everyone to look at your camera. “Can you look this way now please” usually does the trick. You can take the pictures you want and then let other photographers take their own pictures so you all get good shots.
- Take several photographs. Someone is bound to have their eyes closed or will be looking away. Then you can choose the best photograph to send in. Our own press photographers always take several photographs.
- Outdoors on a sunny day, try to avoid having the sun behind your subject (this will cause a silhouette) or in front shining into their eyes and causing them to squint.
- Pick the best photograph you have taken to send in and include captions and names of who is in the photograph.
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