WILTSHIRE Council is appealing to local businesses not to miss out on vital funding to help support them through the coronavirus pandemic.
Around 2,500 businesses in the county have yet to apply for either the £10,000 Small Business Grant, or the £10,000 and £25,000 Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant.
The council is in the top ten performing authorities in the country that have similar amounts of grant funding to distribute. Around £55 million has been issued to support over 4,700 local businesses through these challenging times.
Philip Whitehead, the Leader of Wiltshire Council said: “These grants offer a lifeline to businesses who are struggling to survive due to the coronavirus shutdown, so it is imperative eligible businesses receive the financial support that is available to them.
“Businesses may not know they are eligible, haven’t been able to collect their eligibility letter from their business which is currently closed, or they simply could be under the misapprehension that the grant is a loan and has to be repaid. Whatever the reason, we are continuing to contact these businesses to encourage them to apply for the grant.
“We’re also contacting around 150 additional businesses that we believe are now eligible for a grant following changes to the eligibility criteria by the government. These are mainly in the leisure and hospitality sectors and include amusement arcades, car rental sites, conference and exhibition venues and boat hire and passenger boat facilities amongst others. This means even more businesses are now receiving a vital injection of cash to keep their business going.
“I would appeal to all those we are contacting, to fill out the online form to apply for their grant, so together we can help protect Wiltshire businesses and safeguard jobs.”
The council is continuing to work 7-days a week to assess the applications received and, where the form is incomplete, or the assessors have queries, to contact those businesses for further information.
To apply online visit: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/business-advice-support-covid19