First Bus changed their fare structure on the 6th July and there are big winners (mainly children) and big losers (mainly adults making medium distance return journeys).
The metrics of whether to travel by First Bus, by Faresaver Bus, or by train to Chippenham, Trowbridge or Bath have changed dramatically!
The Melksham Community Area Partnership Transport Group meeting on 30th July is open to all (Melksham Town Hall, 7.00pm) and community members of the Community Rail Partnership and First Bus Bath Customer Panel will be there to help inform you, and to be able to advise on the most appropriate travel options for you at the new prices.
Contact – melksham cap@; members of the bus customer panel who live in Melksham include Sion Bretton, Kevin Gaskin and Graham Ellis. Panel minutes and panel contact details on the First Bus web site. The bus panel is keen to recruit new members.