Queensway Camera Club for the Community held another successful meeting on 10th January.
Organisers said, “We spent most of the time allowing members to practise their camera settings on practical exhibits including a white orchid. These included taking photos of items at different camera settings to see how they affected the final photograph. We varied their aperture to see how that affected the depth of field, we altered the white balance settings to see how that changed the final exposure, as well as trying out the various exposure modes that modern cameras have. We put into practice things we had learnt at previous meetings, where one gentleman said ‘I learnt more in these two hours than I had in the rest of my life fiddling with cameras.’”
“There was also plenty of time for discussion over coffee and time for members to look up their camera manuals online in trying to resolve some of their queries.”
The next meeting is on 21st February in Queensway Chapel at 7.30pm.