Riding Lights Theatre Company have a new show to enliven autumn in the locality.
Hilarity and vitality abound as Riding Lights Theatre Company presents Fantastic Acts! at Broughton Gifford Village Hall, The Street, Broughton Gifford (SN12 8PN) on Saturday 25th October, 7.30pm.
Contact the box office: 01904 613000, tickets: £10 (groups: buy 10 and get the 11th free) or from Holt Superstore.
In Fantastic Acts! Riding Lights take on the book of Acts… and beyond.
Julia needs some space – away from constant pressure, the whirlwind of work. Somewhere to find a bit of balance. The Mediterranean, perhaps? Sun, sea and… a few surprises. What she discovers goes way beyond ‘switching off’. Extraordinary stories, random acts of kindness, blindness and divineness… and a seaside bucket load of questions.
Can the unsettling power and people of the book of Acts help her find what she’s looking for?
Could their fantastic acts help her to stay on her feet in a cross current of misgivings and hope, persecution, faith and risk?
In classic Riding Lights’ style – with laughter, insight, vivid story-telling and surprising energy for a holiday in the sun – Fantastic Acts! invites you to take an invigorating dip into the remarkable lives of the men and women who formed the first churches – For a full tour schedule visit www.ridinglights.org/acts