THE children at Rocking Horse Nursery took VE Day bunting over the Mavern House Nursing Home to help the elderly residents celebrate VE Day.
“Before lockdown we were visiting Mavern House Nursing Home, every week,” said owner Fiona Milner. “Due to the Corona virus we have temporarily stopped these visits; however we took some VE Day bunting over to our friends there to decorate their home. We wanted to reach out to our elderly friends.
“We want to thank all our elderly friends for being so brave for us during the war, we are having to be brave now but in a very different way. We are staying home to be safe. Some of our parents are keyworkers and are helping to keep our country going and to make the sick better and support those who need care. The children come to our nursery and have fun and are cared for by their special people who are working for us to stay safe too.
“The children are having a very different nursery experience during the current crisis.
“We are open for key workers children so often we only have a few children in with the staff so they have the run of the nursery and it’s wonderful garden.
“We are missing all our friends so we have been going live on Facebook for the children who are staying home to stay safe, staff are reading stories to share and we are sending lots of activity ideas to our families.
“Along with our manager, Sue Parkin, I would like to thank all the parents, children and staff for their support over this time and we want to say to everyone in our community ‘Thank you for what you are doing now and thank you to those who all those years ago united for our country for what you did then -lest we forget’.”