In the April meeting of Shaw & Whitley WI, Caroline Gray came to talk to members about the problem of scams.
The club reports, “We all think we are wise to scams, but unfortunately the fraudsters are clever and try to build up our trust over a period of time, She told us what to look out for on line as well as telephone scams, saying no matter how plausible they are, never ever give out personal or bank details and never never ever pin numbers.
“Always check they are genuine by ringing back on a different phone (mobile, neighbour or relation’s phone). If in doubt, ring the fraud line if you can’t get hold of your bank – that is their job. It will not make you look silly and it might help somebody else. If it is genuine, you haven’t lost anything.
“In May we had our resolution meeting. Every year at national level the W.I. chooses two important issues to focus on; rural bus services and cervical screening are the campaign issues for this year, Part of our meeting was devoted to discussing what we can do at local level to make a difference to improve lives within our community and further afield.
“The speaker for the evening was Caroline Pakenham on the topic of ‘Cultivation of Unusual Herbs.’ She bought a variety of herbs and told about the history of herbs, their cultivation and usage. She gave us expert advice on planting, growing and harvesting herbs, She had a great selection of herbs to buy, and also gave us cuttings of some. It was a very interesting evening.
“We are looking forward to meeting up with Atworth W.I. for a cream tea at Whitehall Garden Centre. Also our outing to the lavender farm.
The W.I. is naturally diverse, it can be everything you want it to be. Make new friends, learn new skills, or join us on social outings – all at Shaw & Whitley W.I.
“The speaker for the next meeting is Mrs Boden talking about the Adventures of a Pig Farmer. So if you want a smile, join us, we meet the second Monday in the month (June 10th) 7.30pm, at Shaw Village Hall.”