Ever wondered what a hurdy-gurdy sounded like, (it is a hank-cranked fiddle)? We found out in our December meeting, when we were entertained by the Packhorse Cellidh Band.
The three-manned band played many unusual instruments and told us many humorous tales while playing the violin, guitar, squeeze box, and the hurdy-gurdy. It was a very fun evening finished off by a finger buffet.
We also had a craft stall with many handmade items made by members.
In December there was a carol service in St Michael’s church for all W.I. members. Some of our members went carol singing at Mavern House. The flower arrangers met and made Christmas arrangements. We also collected toiletries to give to young girls and boys less fortunate in our own country. Our Christmas meal in January with partners and guests is at Shaw County Hotel; where we always have an excellent meal
We are looking forward to our centenary celebrations in 2019 starting with a lunch at Wellington Bar, Calstone, when the guest speaker is Anita Harris.
The next meeting is on February 11th at Shaw Village Hall, the speaker will be John Jameson Davis, personality as seen in handwriting and the detection of forged signatures. Our completion is a hand written addressed envelope.
President – Sylvia
Bennett Secretary –
Geraldine De’ath
We are a friendly group with a varied programme. Guests are always welcome. Do come along and have a taster – you will be warmly welcomed.