At our September meeting, Gill Fletcher told us about her travels on the back of the tandem steered by husband Eric.
The tandem was custom-built, and always was greatly admired, it was never left out of sight. The trips were meticulously planned, especially the one with their four children carrying the luggage on bikes. They have cycled over the Pyrenees on one occasion, and we heard about the lovely people they met. The talk was enjoyed by all.
We had a visit to Pam Lewis’s garden in Marsden, Pam, a national flower arranger judge, showed us round her garden and gave us a wonderful cream tea. She also did several beautiful flower arrangements and raffled them.
We also visited Julia’s House, the children’s hospice in Devizes. The facilities there for day visits and for the children who stay are wonderful as a lot of care and planning went into getting the hospice perfect, They have a carol service in December to raise funds; it has no government funding, so fund raising is very important to keep the good work going.
In October our 57th birthday, we had a talk from Dawn Lawrence from the Born Free Foundation about endangered wildlife. She mentioned so many animals that it made us realise every little thing we could do to help would make a difference to the world.
The flower arranging group met, and every autumn-themed arrangement was different. T
he visit to Mavern House was on one of the hottest days of the year. We helped residents make lavender bags to sell at their craft sale.
We were reminded that the Christmas concert ‘Traditions of Christmas’ is being held at St Michaels Church Melksham on 7th December. It is world kindness day on 13th November.
Next year we are celebrating a century of W.I. The W.I. has passed over 400 resolutions and achieved changes on hundreds of issues that affect women and their communities across the world. W.I. resolutions have been ahead of their time; we called for a ban on smoking in public places in 1964, a full 43 years before it became law.
The W.I. has never shrunk from a fight nor been deterred by setbacks, Members are tenacious, driven by compassion. No challenge has ever been too big and no issue too small, because together we make a real difference.
The next meeting is on November 12th at the Beeches Village Hall, when the speaker will be from Team Rubicon UK.