IF you love to sing and have always wondered what it’s like to join a community choir, now’s the chance to find out! The new NO-AUDITION West Wilts Good Afternoon Choir starts on Friday February 23 from 1pm-3pm at Holt Village Hall and there’s a warm welcome to go along and find out more.
Bath-based music man Grenville Jones started his Good Afternoon Choirs 12 years ago and there are now 25 across the West of England from Gloucestershire to Cornwall. Over 1,000 people ‘Sing in the Afternoon’.
Leader of the West Wilts Good Afternoon Choir is Matt Finch. Matt already runs three popular Good Afternoon Community Choirs every week and says he “loves the fun of singing together and making amazing music during the afternoons”. Matt lives in Bath where he is well-known as musical director of the Bath Light Operatic Group.
Good Afternoon Choirs sing popular melodies in harmony and each choir raises money for a local charity selected by the members. In 2023 the choirs raised over £30,000 for local charities and organisations across the West of England. Many of the songs in the choir repertoire are arrangements by Matt.
Matt said, “Everyone is welcome to come along on any Friday afternoon at Holt Village Hall from 1pm-3pm. There’s no charge for attending your first rehearsal and there are NO auditions – come along, alone, or with a friend. You can be assured of a warm welcome.”
“Choirs are great for meeting new people and enjoying the best hobby in the world,” added Grenville.
See www.goodafternoonchoir.org for further information.