Following an agreement made in 2016 with Sandridge Solar Power Limited, Melksham Town Council received a community benefit fund payment of £42,188.74 in October 2017, which can be assigned to initiatives that provide a community benefit.
In allocating these monies, the town council has determined that £6,684 be allocated to the repair and renovation of Wiltshire Council play areas and equipment that would otherwise be closed; £13,641 has been allocated to part fund the enhanced grounds maintenance activities to deliver more frequent grass cutting to key amenity areas such as the cemetery and play areas where, given the lack of available funding, the standards have fallen below satisfactory levels in recent years; £13,164 has been assigned to accrue a financial contribution to fund the provision of a new splash pad water play facility in King George V park; £4,500 has been assigned to part fund the acquisition of pavement cleaning equipment to provide a higher standard of cleanliness and thereby a more pleasant environment; and £4,200 has been allocated to grant funding initiatives recognising the valuable benefits that are generated by voluntary and community groups in their work and endeavours.
Mayor of Melksham cllr Adrienne Westbrook said, “The town council is committed to spending this money on goods or services for the environmental, social or economic benefit of the community. This money has been assigned this year to good effect in financing important initiatives within the town that would otherwise have to be funded through the precept.
“We will continue to keep a public record of any further monies received under the terms of this agreement and detail how they are to be spent, and this will be publicised through the press and available to view on the town council’s website.”