Melksham Without Parish Council have received reports that it appears that teams have been playing unofficially on the football pitches at the Bowerhill Jubilee Sports Field (off Lancaster Road).
The Parish Council are very keen to welcome as much use as possible for people wanting a ‘kick about’ on the informal areas of the playing field, but not on the formal pitches. Not only did the teams not pay to hire the pitch (providing vital funds towards the maintenance and grass cutting of the pitches) but they also played when the pitches were very wet and ruined the grass for others for the following weeks.
Pitches available for hire on most days, please contact the parish council office on 01225 705700 or by email to: sport@melk to request a booking pack and check availability.
Please DO book the pitch before playing an official match (or you may find an unexpected bill arriving!) and if you are having an unofficial knock about then please DO NOT play on the pitches when it’s really wet underfoot.