GOMPELS pharmacy staff are encouraging the community to make a pledge during Dementia Action Week.
For the week of 21st May until 27th May, Gompels on Bank Street and at Spa Medical Centre will have information on display about dementia and where to get help and support.
Stephanie Hunt, pharmacy manager and Dementia Friends champion said, “We want to encourage people to think about dementia during this week and to make a pledge to carry out an action – this could be something like looking at a website to get more information, finding out where to get support from Alzheimer’s Support in Wiltshire; or signing up to take part in one of our Dementia Friends awareness sessions.
“The awareness session is an hour long. People learn about the disease to help better understand it and find out about what they can do to help. People can live with the disease and live well, they don’t ‘suffer,’ and that’s what hopefully people take away from the sessions.
To find out more about becoming a Dementia Friend or to discuss what pledge you could make during Dementia Action Week, visit Gompels at either Bank Street or Spa Medical Centre.