Visit our website for the latest information about our services and COVID-19 support. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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Central government COVID-19 updates
NHS updates
Book before you visit a household recycling centre
If you are planning to visit a household recycling centre (HRC) in Wiltshire from Monday 8 June you now need to book in advance.
Slots can be booked up to three days in advance. Other changes from Monday 8 June:
- The Stanton St Quinton HRC will be open for pre-booked slots
- All sites will revert to their usual summer opening times
- HRCs can now accept soil, rubble, plasterboard, textiles and, with notice, asbestos (some sites only)
Other restrictions, including no trailers or vehicles 3.5 tonnes or over, remain in place. We will still be operating the postcode entry system to visit HRCs up until the sites close on Sunday 7 June.
Read our FAQs about visiting an HRC
NHS Test and Trace service
The Government has launched the NHS Test and Trace service to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
If you have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 you will be contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service.
The alert will usually come by text, email or phone call. All texts or emails will ask you to sign into the NHS test and trace contact-tracing website, and all phone calls will use a single phone number: 0300 013 5000. You will never be asked to make any form of payment.
If you are told you have been in contact with a person who has coronavirus you must stay at home (self-isolate) for 14 days. Do not leave your home for any reason and do not have visitors inside your home. Try to avoid contact with anyone you live with.
If you get symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste):
- Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do and get a coronavirus test – call 111 if you cannot get help online
- Anyone you live with must self-isolate until you’ve been tested and received your result
Read more about NHS Test and Trace
Meeting friends and family this weekend
Wet and windy weather is forecast for Wiltshire this weekend. If you are planning to meet up with family and friends outside please make sure you follow social distancing rules and do not go inside if it starts to rain.
You can now spend time outdoors, including in gardens and other private outdoors spaces, in groups of up to six people from different households provided you follow strict social distancing guidelines:
- Access private gardens without entering someone’s home, wherever possible
- Do not go indoors unless you need the toilet urgently, or are passing through to access the garden
- Avoid touching surfaces and if you use the toilet wash your hands thoroughly, wipe down surfaces, use separate or paper towels and wash or dispose of them safely after use
- You cannot use garages, sheds or cabins with non-household members – these are all indoor areas where the risk of transmission is higher
- You should not share garden or sports equipment with people outside of your household
- You can have a barbeque or a picnic, but should, where possible, try to avoid sharing food and drink. You should not pass each other food or drink unless you live together. You should not use plates or utensils that someone from another house has touched – either bring your own or ensure you have thoroughly cleaned them before using. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds and use disposable towels if possible.
Read the government’s updated FAQs on social distancing
It’s time to get silly and get involved in the Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge
Despite libraries not being open at the moment, children can still enjoy the Summer Reading Challenge. This year’s campaign has a very ‘silly’ theme.
The challenge, organised nationally by The Reading Agency, is being carried out digitally this year with children being encouraged to join the ‘Silly Squad’ – a colourful array of cartoon animals.
An online platform has been created so families can sign-up safely, create a personal profile, set their own reading goals, view book recommendations and access guides to e-learning.
There will also be a forum to chat to friends, play games, download and print activities, as well as family activities with rewards and content to keep children and families engaged throughout the summer months. The platform is FREE for children and families to use.
For more information and to get involved
For ebooks, eAudio and eMagazines
National volunteers’ week
We are marking National Volunteers’ Week by paying tribute to all those who have given their time and expertise for free during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hundreds of people across the county have provided an invaluable contribution to the emergency services and public services response during an unprecedented and challenging time.
Cllr Philip Whitehead, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said: “At Wiltshire Council we have nothing but admiration for people who volunteer and give something back to their local community.
“In the last few months alone we have seen more than 400 community support groups quickly spring into action to support residents during the COVID-19 crisis. Wiltshire is a caring county and it’s reassuring that there are so many people out there ready to help when required.
“We regularly work with volunteers and we’d like to pay tribute to their commitment and this week is a great opportunity to thank them for everything they do and express our gratitude for their support.”
Looking after your mental health
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. The NHS Every Mind Matters website has expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing at this stressful time:
Answer five quick questions to get your free plan with tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel more in control.
Mental wellbeing while staying at home
Health at home – how to access NHS services online
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak means you should stay at home as much as possible, but it’s still easy to get NHS help using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Visit the NHS Health at Home pagefor information to help you:
- Order repeat prescriptions
- Contact your GP
- Find out about urgent dental treatment
- Manage long-term conditions
- Maintain your mental and physical wellbeing
If you need an NHS service, try to do it online first as this helps everyone to follow social distancing.
Visit the NHS Health at home page
Support for people feeling lonely
A number of organisations in Wiltshire are providing befriending support to people who are feeling lonely or isolated at this difficult time. We’ve collated a list of those organisations and the type of support they provide.