MELKSHAM Probus Club held their monthly lunch at The Kings Arms Hotel on Tuesday 3rd October.
The after-lunch speaker was Heather Wannel, who gave a most informative talk which was entitled ‘The lighter side of the law.’ She spoke about the serious subject of wills and power of attorney and how important it was to address these issues sooner than later.
To the amusement of members, she recalled some very peculiar ways people wanted their estates to be distributed, which illustrated well that there is a lighter side of the law. There were many questions asked by the members and the meeting was brought to a close by a vote of thanks, given by Kevin Hayes.
Probus lunches are held on the first Tuesday of the month at The Kings Arms Hotel and the speaker for November will be Julie Lock who will be talking about Victim Support.
New members are always welcome. Please contact the secretary Keith Gibbons on 01225 705641.