THERE is still time to submit your comments to the town centre consultation currently taking place.
You can find the questionnaire and the exhibition boards in the town hall, in the café area of the Melksham Campus and online – just google Melksham Neighbourhood Plan and there is a pop up with a link straight to the consultation page
“A draft Town Centre Master Plan has been produced, but the input from local residents, businesses and community groups has a direct impact on what the priorities will be moving forward in the plan,” said Melksham Without Parish Council clerk Teresa Strange said. “So far, the top three things that you have said you want to keep in the town centre are: • Walkable town centre (74.47%) • Trees and green spaces (72.34%) • Attractive and safe to walk around (69.15%)
And the top three priorities for improvement are: • The quality of the town centre retail and service offer (69.79%) • Conserve and re-use buildings (65.63%) • Protect and increase green space (60.42%)
“Do you agree? What do you think of the regeneration site opportunities at the key gateway locations either end of town? How can they best contribute to our town centre future? Do you agree with the potential future uses of the buildings in the Campus and civic quarter and the old library site, and the most important principles for the future regeneration of Avonside/The City/Cooper Tires?
“In addition, there are other aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan that questions are being asked about, ranging from protecting local green spaces, heritage assets and a design code which sets out what future planning applications should adhere to, ranging from local identity and character, access and movement, and guidelines for shop fronts, street furniture, building heights, materials and architectural details. Please take a look and see if you agree, or if there is anything that has been missed.”
The deadline for comments is Sunday 19th March (Mother’s Day). If you have any queries, please contact either Melksham Town Council or Melksham Without Parish Council.