THE exceptional circumstances of the last 18 months, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and government lockdowns, have severely disrupted our scheduled committee meetings; our last AGM was in February 2020.
I really appreciate the continued, dedicated support given by all committee members during this difficult period, as together, even without regular meetings, the group has still been able to agree and process a number of requests and appeals that will benefit staff & patients at Melksham Hospital and the local community.
In the past 18 months, £5,000 was donated to the RUH Cancer research charity.
The Friends provided the hospital nursing team with £790 of medical equipment, and along with other local businesses, gave moral support with cakes & biscuits in the very early period of the pandemic when this very dedicated team continued to visit patients 7 days a week in all weathers in the local area, while dealing with the hidden threat of this deadly virus.
The Friends agreed to fund an appeal for £2,206 for audio equipment from the RUH audio department for exclusive use at Melksham Hospital.
In Christmas 2020, we continued to provide our annual gift of £20 vouchers for the Community Nursing Team, also the charity funded monogrammed winter fleeces to provide comfort and identity for the local nursing team when visiting patients within the local community.
Earlier this year Melksham First Responders appealed for funds for Raizer chairs; these very versatile chairs assist the medics when they respond to persons who have fallen. This powered equipment allows one person to lift the patient without further injury to the patient or themselves, which very often saves a visit by an ambulance team.
The Friends agreed to provide £6,150 for the purchase of two Raizer chairs for the two Melksham First responder teams.
More recently, the hot drinks vending machine in the hospital outpatients department, which the charity funds with support from Roundstone Vending Ltd, needed replacing which the members agreed to fund for the benefit of staff and members of the local community attending appointments in the hospital.
Also, the hospital gardens which the Friends have volunteered to maintain over many years now became very neglected during the lockdowns, and when our volunteer gardeners finally attempted to tidy up the hospital memorial garden, it was obvious we had a huge challenge.
Therefore, it was suggested that perhaps Lackham College would assist. I was pleased to receive a positive response to our request. Staff and students from Lackham College agreed to visit the hospital site every Tuesday pm, weather permitting, and they are already making a huge difference.
The college response has been welcomed by the hospital site management who are very supportive of community projects.
The Lackham staff also offered to refurbish all the wooden garden benches that have been donated in memory of Melksham Hospital staff over many years, as they are in great need of some TLC. This proposal is very welcome, and The Friends will give them full support, providing materials, plants, etc.
We are currently waiting for NHS management agreement to decorate the hospital for the Christmas period this year, after the long period of restrictions.
Many thanks to all the committee for your continued support for the Friends aims; to do all we can to help maintain amenities and improve health care at Melksham Hospital and in the local community.