The twins who are all four years old include two sets of identical twins. This is a unique situation for the school who say they have never had so many twins start at the same time. The unenviable task of remembering so many new names can be hard enough for a teacher, without the added difficulty of twins.
Reception year teacher Catherine Williams said, “This is actually my first day as a full-time teacher but I have never heard of anything like this. It has been hard learning everybody’s names but having so many twins has made it extra difficult.
“The children have been fantastic and have taken the first day in their stride. For the other children they haven’t quite understood what twins are yet, as during story-time when twins were mentioned, they all claimed to have them! Although that was because they were confused and thought younger brothers or sisters were their twins.
“Some of the twins have been split up because the reception year has two classes but they can see each other across the room. I think this has helped as the twins can see their siblings.
“It will be interesting to see how the twins and other children get on as the term progresses but I’m sure they will all be fine.”
The chances of having twins in the UK is 1.5% and the chances of having identical twins is 0.35%.