Retired Detective Constable Gary Heseltine will be appearing as a guest speaker for the Seven Oaks Spiritual Freedom Centre on Monday 4th November, presenting ‘The Evidence for UFOs and the ET presence on Earth’.
During his 22 years in the British Transport Police and after his own UFO experience, Gary set up PRUFOS (police reporting UFO sightings) an internet database catering for serving and retired police officers who have been involved in UK UFO sightings. After 9 years he has a collection of over 400 reports from over 900 police officers.
Since retiring earlier this year Gary has founded UFO Truth Magazine, an online bi-monthly magazine that supports the merits of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, with contributions from dedicated and well respected international researchers. For anyone with an interest in the UFO phenomenon this is an evening not to be missed. Gary will present credible evidence in a no nonsense, non sensationalistic way with science always at it’s core.
See Gary at Melksham House on Monday 4th November at 7.30pm. £5 entry on door. For more information visit