Monday 4th August is the centenary of the outbreak of World War One.
Rev Barry Blackford of The Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels said, “It was the Great War that was meant to end all wars but sadly that was not to be the case.
“All we have to do is read our newspapers, listen to the radio or watch the TV to know that to be the case: Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, South Sudan, Nigeria, Central African Republic, … the list goes on and on!
“St Michael’s church will be commemorating the centenary with a vigil for peace on Monday 4th August. The church will be open from 11.45am through till 11.15pm to provide a space for people to come and pray for peace and reconciliation, for the safety of our armed forces, for the work of the armed forces chaplains and for those who work with the casualties of war.
“The time will start with 12 lit candles, one of which will be extinguished on each hour, ie 12, 1, 2, etc, as a reminder of the remark attributed to British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey on the eve of the First World War; ‘The lamps are going out all over Europe’. The extinguishing of each candle will be accompanied by a reading from the war poets and a time of prayer and reflection.
“In the evening, at 7.30pm, there will be a short act of commemoration and reflection followed by a vigil for peace until the time that war was declared at 11.00pm when the 12th and final candle will be extinguished.”
For further details, contact Rev Barry Blackford on 01225 709083.