EIGHT Atworth residents were last week presented with certificates to recognise their long-standing contributions to the Poppy Appeal in the village.
The certificates were issued by the Royal British Legion, which was represented by Melksham’s branch president Trevor Paterson, and Melksham’s Poppy Appeal organiser Ken Graham.
Chair of Atworth Parish Council, Effie Gale-Sides, presented the commendations to local volunteers Beulah Lewis, Christine Price, Rodney Price, Elizabeth Joyce, Roderick Joyce, Alan Bagnall, Mary Jose and Sarah Ayliffe all received a commendation for their service.
Councillor Gale-Sides said, “I was very proud to present these long service certificates on behalf of The Royal British Legion. The awards varied for periods of five years steadfast service, to Beulah who completed well over twenty.
“Atworth villagers are very generous and are more than happy to give to the much respected Poppy Appeal. The amount collected in our village increases year on year.
“It just takes a very dedicated team, who will go out in the cold, rain and blustery autumn winds to collect these donations.
“We are all very grateful to them for their valuable work and are glad that they have been recognised in this way.”