ENTRIES are open now for Wiltshire’s Best Kept Village competition run by Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).
Entries are encouraged from villages large, medium and small across the county – and anyone from a village can enter.
CPRE Wiltshire’s branch chair, Anne Henshaw, said, “We’re very excited to be launching the competition this year, and are looking forward to many more entries. Wiltshire has some beautiful villages within the county and I know how much previous winners value the recognition this competition brings.”
Anyone in a village can pull an entry together and coordinate preparations for judging – it doesn’t have to be led by the parish council. All entrants need to submit is one form, a map and a short village report and to let their parish council know they are entering. Entries need to be in to CPRE Wiltshire no later than Friday 21st April.
The judges consider presentation – tidiness, absence of litter and evidence of community spirit and involvement – but do not award marks for the beauty of buildings, otherwise the same villages might win every time! Last year’s winners were Whiteparish, Hindon and Rushall. The winner of winners was Bratton. Prizes of up to £200 are awarded.
The first round of judging in the 2023 competition will take place from 15th May to 11th June.
Find out more at www.cprewiltshire.org.uk/ or by contacting CPRE Wiltshire by email admin@cprewiltshire.org. uk or on 01380 722157.