CAWS (Community Action Whitley & Shaw) was established in 2015 and engages in projects to help improve life for the residents of the two villages.
The group says, “The committee comprises villagers who care very much for our community. The work is not too time consuming or onerous, but we need some new blood if we are to continue.
“Are you prepared to assist?
“We particularly need someone to act as Vice Chairman and a volunteer who is prepared to look after the accounts, but all offers of help will be welcome. The AGM is to be held on Wednesday 20th February 2019 @7.30pm in the Methodist Church. If you care about our community and wish for this work to continue, please consider joining us by contacting Mike Booth – Chairman (703316), Lesley Sibbald – Secretary (791428) or Brian Roberts – Treasurer (702921).
“The following is a list of past and ongoing achievements and activities:-
• Represent the views of local residents regarding planning applications.
• Maintain contact with MWPC (Melksham Without Parish Council) on local issues.
• Arrange Summer Fairs together with The Shaw Village Hall Committee.
• Hold two “Litter Picks” around the two villages twice a year.
• CAWS entered Shaw in the Best Kept Villages Competition and achieved 2nd place in the whole county in 2017.
• Purchased three wooden planters placed in different locations around the villages, which are very kindly maintained by The Gardening Club.
• The two telephone boxes, one in Shaw the other in Whitley; have been adopted by MWPC on behalf of CAWS. The red telephone box in Whitley has been repaired and repainted and will be converted into a lending library, using funds raised at village events. The box opposite Shaw School will be converted into an historical archive of village life.
• Funds from the Summer Events are held in reserve for the improvement of the Play Area and recreational facilities at the Beeches. To date, the fund stands at £2,270.
• With financial help from MWPC, arrangements been made to install two benches in Whitley, one adjacent to the red phone box and the other near the Pear Tree.
• The CEG (Community Emergency Group) was set up under the umbrella of CAWS. The CEG has worked hard to ensure ditches and water courses are well maintained and have, with their group of volunteers, physically cleared debris and undergrowth from the main water courses. Additionally, they are always on “stand by” to assist during any flooding or any other emergency that hits our community.”