A PUBLIC consultation, giving residents and local businesses the chance to have their say about future plans for Melksham town centre, is being held this month at Melksham Community Campus.
Questions posed in the consultation include what the next steps should be for the former Blue Pool and library sites, now that Melksham Campus has been built and what does the future hold for the Cooper Tires site after the company closes its tyre factory.
Melksham Town Council clerk, Linda Roberts said, “This is your chance to have your say on the future plans for Melksham’s town centre. There are exciting opportunities ahead for the town centre, so do not miss out on the chance to get involved and influence how the town centre develops.
Master plan
The town centre master plan is part of Melksham Neighbourhood Plan, which is a joint initiative by Melksham Town and Melksham Without councils.
“A draft for the town centre master plan has now been put together by consultants who have taken a holistic, independent approach,” said the team behind the Neighbourhood Plan. “They have examined the town’s economy, vitality, its culture and distinctiveness, connections, accessibility, quality of the public spaces, heritage, and townscape, with a focus on climate change and the town’s sustainability.
“The plan includes protecting valued local green space, housing site allocations led by the community, strengthening locally distinctive design and protecting Melksham’s heritage.
“The next stage is community consultation so that planners can find out local people’s views.”
Public consultation
The public consultation will take place at Melksham Community Campus on; Thursday 9th February 4pm-7pm; Friday 10th February 11am-5pm and Saturday 11th February 10am-12pm. At the events, there will be an exhibition of display boards, with a chance to chat about the proposals.
On Tuesday 7th February there is also an opportunity for town centre businesses to have their say. To register your interest in this event, contact linda.roberts@melksham-tc.gov.uk or tel. 01225 704187.
From early February to early March, consultation boards will be on display in the campus and town hall, where people will still be able to comment on the proposals.
The Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan gives the councils local planning power in guiding the development and conservation of our area.
Plan 1, which was given the go-ahead by a vote by local people in 2020, is now being used. Plan 2 is also considering long term aims such as tackling climate change and providing affordable homes in the right places. More details about the Neighbourhood Plan can be found on the councils’ websites.